Agricultural Projects

Over 20 million people in South Africa do not have enough healthy food to eat.
The Zodwa Khoza Foundation believes that it is our duty to play our part, and find ways to deal with food insecurity.
We have implemented a multi-faceted approach, with five pillars

Inspiring healthy choices

A multi-channel communication campaign promoting the benefits of eating traditional, seasonal, fresh, whole foods.

Grow to eat

Creating back-yard gardening and community gardens

Grow to sell

 Supporting emerging farmers through connecting them with funding and skills development opportunities

Direct from farm to fork

By aggregating demand through bulk buying, we create markets between farmers, agri-processors and consumers.

A taste of Africa

Regional processed goods promoted internally and externally, starting with our partners the Thulamela Business Forum, The Fair Food Company, The Crop Box & others.

Foundation Events

Madiba Day

Agricultural Development, Education, Youth & Women Empowerment


2021 Africa Day Winter Care Boxes